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Customized training is a special training program designed to fit the unique needs and goals of your organization. Starting with an understanding of what your organization currently does and where you want it to go, a tailored plan is created. The training can be adjusted to fit the people in your organization, considering their different ways of learning, experiences, and what you want them to learn. Whether you need a little customization to existing lessons or a completely new program made just for you, the training is crafted to make sure it's exactly what your company needs.


To begin this process, we will look at your organization's current state and where you want it to be. Then, a WTA designer will meet with people in your organization to better understand your organization's unique objectives, culture, structures, and existing practices. Through interviews and surveys, we gather and interpret data to gain insights which help us understand what kind of training will help you reach your goals the most efficiently.


Utilizing the findings from the needs analysis, WTA develops an overarching design for your program. This design is based on an instructional strategy tailored to the target audience and the intended results of the training. By incorporating adult learning principles into the content structure, we ensure maximum motivation and engagement. Our designers factor in the diverse nature of learners and their varied learning styles, experiences, and characteristics. We carry out this entire process in collaboration with your stakeholders.


Next, our developers craft and organize the training materials outlined during the design phase. This includes the creation of materials for facilitators, participants, and presentation content. After our clients review these materials, revisions are made according to their suggestions.


Next, our developers craft and organize the training materials outlined during the design phase. This includes the creation of materials for facilitators, participants, and presentation content. After our clients review these materials, revisions are made according to their suggestions.


The modules are delivered as is, with no alterations made to the content.


We determine suitable adjustments to our existing course content, making it more applicable to your specific organization. This can include adjustments such as industry and company-specific examples, specialized language, case studies, role-play scenarios, and tailored cultural descriptions and explanations.


We engage in designing and constructing an entirely new program, beginning with the initial step and continuing through to the final product, while maintaining close consultation with our client throughout the entire procedure.

Note: We provide hundreds of pre-designed training modules, which can be offered to our clients in one of three ways:

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